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Large parts of the world need water!

This is, along with food, 

one of the great challenges in the world

in the future!

Not everyone is as lucky as we are in Norway, that clean water flows around us on all sides.

But many of those who need water are close to the sea.

But salt water no one can drink!

So then it was an easy way to invent large amounts of water.

And without it being too complicated, too expensive, or requiring a lot of maintenance.

How about something cheap that goes by itself?
It just stands there and produces clean water!

Yes, that's what we came up with ...


Here is such a wind farm, .... but you do not see it!

A completely different type of wind turbine!

A wind turbine that has no visual pollution!

Which must not be stopped due to too much wind.

A wind turbine where the generator and mechanics are on the ground, and not 70-150 meters up in the air.

A wind turbine that is more adapted to our nature. Which can produce electricity with less and more wind than traditional wind turbines.

Which is as stable as a hydropower plant.

And which is cheaper to build, and cheaper to operate!

Anlegg Bulandet Miljøfisk.jpg
Click on the picture for more info!

We have invented a WaterBooster that can reduce these records considerably.

The actual energy cost of pumping fresh seawater to the plant can be reduced by 70%!

And with enough fresh water, one can possibly avoid recycling and thus eliminate the "oxygen" item.


The sun, the heat and the area in the desert must be able to be utilized, is the idea.
And together with enough water, this could be the place of the future for food production, or biofuels.

Click on the picture for more info!

Imagine if we could make the desert green!

We may not be able to do that, but we can take advantage of the sun and the heat and the space it has. This is an idea that takes advantage of this.

It provides growth for food or biofuels. It removes CO2!
And then we mean, remove the CO2 that we today do not know where to store!

It also has several other benefits:
As the opportunity to produce biofuels, and in combination with this utilize the waste products to create a soil, which together with water is needed to make things grow in the desert.
So in the end, we might be able to make the desert green!

But it needs lots of water! And there is not much of it in the desert, but with our idea for desalination of seawater, this can become a canon combination.


Et bølgekraftverk som tåler alt!

A few years ago, two types of "test" wave power plants were built in Norway.

These should provide experience with two different principles for wave power.

But both suffered the same fate.

They were crushed by storm and brutal western weather.

We have learned from this when we have devised our wave power plant.

It's terribly easy. Consists of only one part!
Also does not show from sea or land.

Does not break ...

We do not say more ...


Det slo oss at det ligger mye energi i de mange store elvene rundt om i dette landet.

We are not thinking of large waterfalls.
But the calm colossal bodies of water that drift slowly and firmly towards the goal.

On each side of these rivers there are often a number of buildings.
And some roads that cross the river over various bridges.

This was the starting point for our idea of exploiting this quiet massive force.

It can take advantage of the water that drifts by,
without the need for large construction costs.
Without affecting the environment.

And in a way that is easy to operate.

It may not provide tremendous amounts of power.
But it is often not strange the buildings around either.

And all monner go .. as it is called.

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