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Velkommen !

Vi i Innorwaytion driver med ideer, løsninger og oppfinnelser

Verden er full av utfordringer!

I disse dager deier det seg mye om miljø..,

og vi har tatt for oss en del av det.

Men også  mye annet...

Ta en titt på våre ideer på menylinjen øverst.



That way we do not have to have it anymore!

There is an almost invisible alternative!

Windmills that you can barely see?


There are currently major protests at wind turbines around our country. And not without reason!
The windmills are huge, and ruin our visually beautiful coast!

The tourists come to see, and which we ourselves use for recreation!


This is not how we can have it!


Innorwaytion has invented a completely different type of wind turbine!


We do not intend to enter into the discussion of whether the wind turbines are necessary or not. But they do not have to show!

Because we have invented a windmill that you can barely see is there.

It does not stand on a hill, but is low in the terrain.

And from the top it is completely invisible!

It does not make noise, nor does it kill our large birds.

In addition, it is much cheaper and cheaper when everything is on the ground, and you do not have to maintain something that is 150m above!

An ingenious and innovative train system!


How about a train that can not derail, and can be built everywhere!


This train costs less than a quarter to build, compared to a regular railway!

It can be built where ordinary railways can not be built, and it does not derail, or is stopped by floods or landslides! No animals or people are hit in the track, which is lifted off the ground.


A new export article for Norway?


This train is made for countries like ours. Hilly, steep and winding.
The pillars on which the rails of this train rest can be placed in the center aisle of a motorway. Crossing rivers and lakes can be done by placing the columns on existing bridges. It can be hung between buildings, and clearer sharp turns and large slopes. This is a train to transport busy people everywhere! Goods can be transported on the old railway ...

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The world's 16 largest ships, pollute as much as all the cars on earth!


They run continuously all year round, and only one of these ships pollutes as much as 50,000,000 (fifty million) cars!


How can we reduce such insane emissions?


Innorwaytion has invented a revolutionary new propulsion system!


This new innovative propulsion system for boats, can save large amounts of fuel, and reduce emissions accordingly!


The system provides a marked increase in power, and can be used on all types of boats and ships, in all sizes!

45% of the earth's land area is desert!

And it's growing! We have to do something about it!


The sun, the heat and the area in the desert must be able to be utilized, is the idea.
And together with enough water, this could be the place of the future for food production, or biofuels.


Imagine if we could make the desert green!

We may not be able to do that, but we can take advantage of the sun and the heat and the space it has. This is an idea that takes advantage of this.

It provides growth for food or biofuels. It removes CO2!
And then we mean, remove the CO2 that we today do not know where to store!

It also has several other benefits:
As the opportunity to produce biofuels, and in combination with this utilize the waste products to create a soil, which together with water is needed to make things grow in the desert.
So in the end, we might be able to make the desert green!

But it needs lots of water! And there is not much of it in the desert, but with our idea for desalination of seawater, this can be a great combination.

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Farming facilities on land!


Can save 70% of the energy to fetch fresh seawater to a fish farm!

There is no doubt that the fish farms must go ashore, if nothing else, then for environmental reasons.

But there are major challenges in this. And one of them is the constant supply of large amounts of fresh water to the plant.

The energy cost of just this is one of the largest expense items in the operation of a land-based facility,  according to calculations made by NTNU in Ã…lesund.


These costs can be reduced by 70%! And we have the solution!


Innorwaytion has invented a WaterBooster that solves the problem!

This booster reduces the energy consumption required to collect fresh seawater to a land-based fish farm by 70%!


Click on the image to read more about this!



This is without a doubt one of our biggest ideas!


Here we will reveal almost nothing.

It's basically a brand new internet! A place to travel in!

A place with all the social aspects. A place to shop for all kinds of goods, or to use all kinds of services.

Both private and self-employed. That is, like, or EBay, and the like.

But here all similarities stop. This is something completely different!

The experience is second to none, and shopping online is no longer about flipping through lists of things for sale.

Here you get an experience that makes you want to "be here" ..., for a long time ...

And you can meet friends and acquaintances here, and chat with them!
In Visu Park, you can relax and chat with people, and say something that appeals to everyone in TradeTown.

You can explore, and go to exciting places, and find  things you had no idea existed!

TradeTown is constantly expanding, allowing for industries to establish themselves to an unlimited extent!            We can not say more ...

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The dream boat, which is guaranteed to sink without!


Sure, we are Sunnmøringer! Of course we have a boat!

And not just any boat, of course:


This boat is modular and industrialized. Which makes it faster and cheaper to build.

This boat can not sink and is quick and easy to maneuver.

It has a unique design with completely unique solutions.
Here there is full standing height everywhere ...
environmentally friendly engines ...
-a unique propulsion system

The solutions make it incredibly quiet, both inside and out.
It is very well equipped and has all the space you could wish for.

In many areas, the boat has advantages over "ordinary" boats.


Of course, it has our patented propulsion system, which gives it great benefits when it comes to energy savings and the environment.


Clean water is not a human right,

claims greedy investors!  Yes, it is!


Large parts of the world need water!

This, along with food, is becoming one of the major challenges in the world

in the future!


Not everyone is as lucky as we are in Norway, that clean water flows around us on all sides.


Innorwaytion World Benefit will do something about it!

Who can we help?


Many of those who need water are close to the sea.

But salt water no one can drink!

So then it was an easy way to invent large amounts of water.

And without it being too complicated, too expensive, or requiring a lot of maintenance.

How about something cheap that goes by itself?
Who just stands there and produces clean water!

Yes, that's what we came up with ...

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We have not invented a jet engine, have we?


Well .., it so happens that our propulsion system for boats, and our WaterBooster, are both taken from aviation!


So now we thought we would take our ideas around this, back to aviation, by revolutionizing the jet engine!


And the other aircraft engines too ..!
There is currently a lot of talk about electric planes, and we have drones that are starting to look like flying cars!

What they need anyway are better and more efficient engines and propellers!

And that's where our Booster idea comes into play!

It will make the propeller much more efficient! Just like it does with the propeller in water.


But then it so happens that we have devised a completely new type of jet engine as well!

The picture shows a standard jet engine with a shaft in the center with turbines and a fan.

Our engine has no turbines, or any fan! No axle at all actually!


Just a huge hole all the way through!

Much cheaper to produce! And at least as effective, of course!

Stillett er et enkelt og genialt stillas!

Du kan male et tre etasjes hus med dette, og det får plass på taket på bilen!


Enkelt å sette opp, og bruke!
Meget stødig!
Uavhengig av om terrenget er flatt eller meget ujevnt der det settes opp!


Dette produktet trenger du, og alle andre mennesker i verden!


Hvis det begynner å brenne i hjemmet ditt, eller i hotellet du bor på, eller på cruiseskipet, eller i en tunell du må evakuere, er det små sjanser for at du overlever til du kommer i sikkerhet!
Den tragiske statistikken er at 60-65 mennesker omkommer i branner i Norge hvert år.

De aller fleste av røyken, ikke av flammene!
Med vår SafeTube, eller Safe 2be, om en vil, har du en meget stor sjanse for å overleve!


Et genialt redskap du har med deg i bilen!


Har du vært på farten og kommet over et godt tilbud på f.eks en ny vaskemaskin? Også har du ikke en varebil eller en henger med deg?


Da trenger du LasteLett!
Med et håndgrep setter du dette smarte lastestativet på hengerfestet, og vipps så kan du ta med deg den vaskemaskinen hjem!


Selve stativet er ikke mer enn 40x40 cm sammenslått, og får plass i koffertrommet. Når du trenger å laste noe, tar du det ut og fester det på hengefestet. Du kan normalt laste 75 kg på hengefestet.

Enkelte biler mye mer.

Stativet får god plass til f.eks en vaskemaskin el.l.


Eller kanskje noe vedsekker, eller vinterdekkene til bilen...


En meget allsidig sak!

Denne kan gjøre at vannmagasinet til et kraftverk varer 3 ganger så lenge!

Den kan minske energiutgiftene til et landbasert oppdrettsanlegg med mer enn 50%!


Hvis en skal pumpe noe tomt for vann, så kan denne gjøre det på halve tiden!


Den er også prinsippet for en rekke andre ideer og oppfinnelser vi har!

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